In rugby, what exactly happens after the ball carrier is tackled? 17 Mar

In rugby, what exactly happens after the ball carrier is tackled?

After the ball carrier is tackled in rugby, the tackled player must release the ball and the other players must stay on their feet until the ball is out of the tackle area. The tackled player must immediately roll away from the ball and the other players must not enter the tackle area until the ball is out. The tackle area is a 9.15 metre area around the ball. The player with the ball has the option of either attempting to pass the ball to a teammate or attempting to kick it away. If the ball is kicked away, the player who kicked it must retreat 10 metres before they can rejoin the game. If the player passes the ball to a teammate, the ball must travel at least 5 metres before the passer can join the game. Finally, any players who have been tackled must stand up and move away from the tackle area before the game can continue.

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